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        A focus on patient safety

        The requirements for medicinal products do not end after packaging. Patients must be assured that the quality of their medicines is maintained throughout the supply chain. Is the medication in the hospital, from the pharmacy or from the doctor still identical to the one delivered by the manufacturer?

        As a company concerned, you can ensure this with the EU Guideline on Good Distribution Practice for Medicinal Products for Human Use. In focus: distribution, safety, cold chain, packaging quality and reliable, functional technology.

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        Transparency and reliability in the supply chain

        Reduction in damage and losses

        Increased legal certainty and reputation

        Reduction of customer-specific audits

        Beschreibung Standard/Regelwerk

        What is GDP - Good Distribution Practice?

        The EU Guideline "Good Distribution Practice" is aimed at companies in the wholesale and logistics sector that work for the pharmaceutical industry. It specifies the minimum requirements that their services must meet. It also aims to minimize the risks associated with the storage and transport of medicines.

        Compliance with the GDP directive ensures control of the distribution chain and thus maintains the quality and integrity of medicines. GDP requires a functioning quality management system, for example according to ISO 9001. In this way, companies can supplement the specific requirements of the GDP Guideline with little effort.

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        How does a certification according to GDP work?

        First, we discuss your company's requirements and the goals of a certification together. Based on these discussions, you will receive an individual offer tailored to your needs.

        These steps prepare the actual audit. A project planning meeting is useful for larger projects to plan schedules and conduct audits for individual sites or departments. A pre-audit helps identify strengths and areas for improvement in advance.

        In the certification audit, our auditors examine your processes and methods as well as those of your supply chain partners. Emphasis within the process steps is on temperature control. For this purpose, not only technical equipment such as cold storage cells, sensor technology, mapping and monitoring, but also process safety, temperature documentation and emergency concepts are considered. In addition, the auditors examine the security of the goods in order to avoid theft or the exchange of goods. The results are presented in the final meeting and, if necessary, action plans are agreed upon.

        After the GDP audit, the results are evaluated by our independent certification board. If all requirements are met, you will receive the certificate.

        Annually, key components of the system are re-audited on site for further improvements. The GDP certificate is valid for three years. Before expiration, recertification is performed to ensure continued compliance.


        What does GDP certification cost?

        Even though the audit according to the GDP guideline is to be carried out according to structured specifications, the costs depend on different factors. Therefore, there is no blanket quote for every company. If you would like to have your company certified, we will be happy to calculate a customized offer based on an objective assessment and individual circumstances.


        What you can expect from us

        • Auditors with practical experience and a high level of industry expertise
        • Personal, smooth support from our specialists - regionally, nationally and internationally
        • Individual quotes with flexible contract terms and no hidden costs
        • Over 80 international offices
        • Global presence, local service
        • Customer and solution-oriented
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        Request a quote

        Itsaree Sopasilapa Tel. 062 629 7117

        We would be happy to provide you with a customized quote for your GDP certification.

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